Riley County Falcons Trap Team Fund
We would like to tell you a little about what we do as a Trap Team Athlete. To practice and compete as a trap shooter is more than just shooting. It is a sport that allows the student athlete to be an individual and team athlete. It teaches gun safety and respect. The participation also gives the athlete the opportunity to meet other kids in and out of their school. This is a sport the athlete can grow with throughout his or her entire life. It builds bonds with friends and families old and new. Trap Shooting provides other opportunities as well beyond the school years.
We have 27 students registered to compete in the Kansas Clay Target League, and affiliate of the USA Clay Target League! The league attracts student athletes of all abilities to participate in shooting sports while creating a "virtual" competition among high school teams throughout the state. Conferences are determined by team size rather than geographical location for fair competition. There are over 100 teams registered in the state! We partner with Tuttle Creek Shooting Park for all practices and scoring rounds. Post season, in-person tournaments take place in the summer months. Scoring is best out of 50 targets during the competition weeks. We now have a fall and spring league team that competes and keeps skills sharp.
Although Trap Team is an approved school team and activity, the school district will not provide funding for the Riley County Falcons Trap Team. Therefore, we are reaching out to organizations and businesses for support. Our goal is to make trap shooting and being part of a team affordable to all that want to participate. Students will have to provide their own transportation to the trap park. Additionally, students will incur all costs to participate until additional funding is secured.
Your donation will enable us to provide athletes with:
- Clay Targets and trap park fees - approximately $736 per student @ 4 rounds per week
- Shotgun shells needed for practice and competition - approximately $1012 per student (more for state or national competition)
- Team shooting shirts for all participating athletes - approximately $40 per shirt
- State and National Registration Fees - $45 and $75 per student
As always, this activity is made possible by community and parent volunteers. With your help, we can make shooting sports a continued source of pride for Riley County Falcons! Please consider investing in this opportunity for our students that focuses on safety, fund and marksmanship! We appreciate your support!
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